A few words from our trusted clients

Our mission is to help you reach and maintain optimal health long-term, resulting in a better, more vibrant quality of life.

Here is what our clients have to say about their experience working with us and how we have helped them reach their goals.

I was looking for help for chronic fatigue and a mystery illness that I’ve had for 5 years, which no doctor could solve. I spent thousands of dollars trying to find out what was wrong with me. Then 1,5 years ago I was searching online and I found Life Clinic’s website. Since I had nothing to lose I decided to give it a try.

Benefits began soon after I started therapy. I got great results: I used to get sick 4 – 5 times a year, but this year I was only sick once. I have become a lot more stable, more positive and more happy – my colleagues even say my face is glowing! My chronic fatigue and mystery illness has not gone away 100%, but there have been big improvements and these things take time. I am sure I will completely solve it.

I’ve witnessed the great benefits that other clients also got from Life Clinic’s treatment and therapies. I can’t wait for more amazing results!


Even though I only 28 years old and pretty young, I suffered from depression and insomnia. I was crying almost every day. Also I had an operation on my left eye and after operation I started to have glaucoma. I used various medications to lower my eye pressure, but they just did not work. I was pretty desperate when I heard about Life Clinic so I decided to experience it.

I started with therapy and soon started to feel so much better and to have more energy during the day. Also I could fall asleep very easily and before I just couldn’t.

I stopped taking all medication for glaucoma and my eye pressure came down naturally. I can truthfully say that attending natural health therapies was the best decision I ever made. Several months later I am now completely healthy and I feel like a new woman!


I used to have palpitations and panic attacks. Often people who did not understand what was going on, called an ambulance for me. They kept me in hospital overnight many times, but no doctor could work out what was going on, except that my blood pressure was very high.

I attended therapy sessions at Life Clinic and the great NHI’s team of health experts who were there for me. I enjoyed the therapy sessions so I just kept on with therapies regularly and I noticed I did not have anxiety or panic attacks anymore. After attending therapies my doctor was astonished that my blood pressure was quite normal, it was between 120 – 130 over 80-85. Perhaps not perfect, but the best it had ever been. Now I live a normal life, free of drugs.


I have been using Natural Health therapies for my insomnia, depression and anxiety. In terms of my insomnia, I have suffered from it most of my life and used to take sleeping pills every night. Since attending the therapies, I no longer take these pills and have regular sleeping patterns. My depression and anxiety are totally gone. I have a lot more energy, especially in the morning and at work during the day.

I highly recommend Life Clinic to anyone who wants to eliminate any of the health problems I mentioned and who wishes to improve their overall well-being.

I must also mention that the group therapies are a lot of fun and seeing other people getting great results encouraged me and gave me extra confidence for solving my health problems – naturally and without any operation or medication.


For many years I suffered from high blood pressure, depression and Crohn’s disease. Also I was passionate smoker for 40 years of my life. Altogether my health was poor and quality of my life was very low.

I started with suggested therapy at the Life Clinic and immediately got my first great results: I quit smoking after 1 day and stopped taking medications after 2 days of therapy. I am not smoking and taking any medications for already 1,5 months. I feel great: I have no more pains in my stomach and I can sleep through the night without any problems.

I apply all what I have learned every day and it became my usual daily routine and essential part of my new, healthy lifestyle.


When I was decided to start with health program, I was taking pills for heart, high blood pressure, cholesterol and depression. After attending therapies I did blood test and my doctor was surprised with results, he said: ‘no way cholesterol can be this stable without any medication’ but in the end he recommended me to further use them because I got such a great measurable results. It was a great experience for me.


The big stress which I daily experienced, greatly affected my health, causing me unexplained restlessness, sadness, panic, pain in my bones and muscles, insomnia, nightmares, constant bloating and abdominal pain, heavy periods, anemia and on top of that autoimmune thyroid disease.

I took online treatment with hope that it will help me to get back my body and soul in balance.

After three days of energy treatments, I felt numerous reactions like a ticking feeling in the veins, in my legs, palpitation of the heart, circulation and pressure change in the whole body, heat in the head and most importantly a huge feeling of happiness. Also, the best thing is that after such a long time without, I began to sleep.

After 4 weeks of therapies, my health is completely stable with no significant physical and emotional problems and I feel as healthy as I once was. I am happy that I had the opportunity to try energetic medicine of which I previously knew nothing about and I was brought back to life. I can now work normally and function and thereby preserve my health. Unbelievable, but it’s true.


I had problems with stress at work and with my family. Frequent pains in my stomach were keeping me tense constantly. I slept badly and I was depressed. After 14 days of attending online treatments , I am very satisfied with the results. I feel a lot better; I sleep better and I am not tense anymore.

I learned a lot about energy here, how to apply it in everyday life and about things I never had a chance to learn before. I have acquired a more positive outlook and attitude towards life, and I would recommend this program to everyone.